Jara'id: A Chronology of Arabic Periodicals (1800-1929)

1800 1830 1850 1860 1870 1875 1880 1885 1890 1895 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1923 1925 1927 1929

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Project Jarāʾid A Chronology of Arabic Periodicals (1800-1929) A research tool Prepared and supervised by Adam Mestyan and contributions from Hala Auji Philippe Chevrant Lamia Eid Till Grallert Adam Mestyan Christian Meier Philip Sadgrove Daniel Newman Geoffrey Roper Ola Seif Rana Issa Rogier Visser Marina Demetriadou Nicole Khayat Sinai Rusinek Peter Magierski Leyla von Mende Stacy Fahrenthold Ulrike Freitag Raph Cormack Johannes Makar Will Hanley 2 Apr 2012 contributed data Philip Sadgrove Philippe Chevrant Lamia Eid Till Grallert Adam Mestyan Christian Meier Geoffrey Roper Ola Seif Rana Issa Hala Auji Rogier Visser Daniel Newman Marina Demetriadou Nicole Khayat Hugh Cayless Sinai Rusinek Peter Magierski Leyla von Mende Stacy Fahrenthold Ulrike Freitag Raph Cormack Johannes Makar Will Hanley The 2012 edition's digital production: conversion into XML, mark-up, design and implementation of the website, including indexes, maps, and rss feeds Till Grallert The 2020 edition's digital production: XML mark-up, corrections and additions Adam Mestyan Till Grallert The 2020 edition's XSLT-coding and Javascript-coding Hugh Cayless Adam Mestyan Till Grallert XML, JavaScript, and CETEIcean advisor Hugh Cayless Zenodo DOI: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4264986 This is an open access work licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). born digital document The basis of this TEI file was produced by Till Grallert in preparation for the on-line publication from a table originally drawn up by Adam Mestyan. From 2017 December Adam Mestyan also directly edits the TEI file. The 2020 Edition was produced through Github by Adam Mestyan et al. This project uses the IJMES standards for Arabic transliteration. New entries should be made using copies of the model entry at the end of the first table (table xml:id="t1"). All changes, additions, etc. should be marked with resp and a reference to the contributors above, i.e. resp="#pTG". Changes are to be recorded in the revisionDesc of this file as change nodes with a who, when, and type attribute. The type can take the following values: 'content', 'xml' Internal references to holding institutions use the rs tag and a ref attribute pointing to an xml:id that starts with 'h', i.e. rs ref=#hINL for Iraqi National Library. Various information still needs to be encoded: the date of the last publication (cell 3) is only partially encoded persNames need further granulation and mark-up of forename, surname, and honorary titles. All the contributors should be included in a persList in the teiHeader for reference. Such a list could be compiled using the index of persons produced for output on the website t1r12: seems to be faulty 2020 Edition is using CETEICean transformation from TEI XML to HTML Undetermined language in Latin transliteration Multiple languages English Arabic Arabic in Latin (IJMES) transliteration Turkish Ottoman Turkish Ottoman Turkish in Latin (IJMES) transliteration Persian Persian in Latin (IJMES) transliteration German French Italian added Will Hanley as contributor added Johannes Makar as contributor Added references to local authority file (file:/BachUni/BachBibliothek/GitHub/ProjectJaraid/jaraid_source/authority-files/jaraid_authority-file.TEIP5.xml) and to GeoNames IDs to placeNames without such references based on places mentioned in the authority file. Added references to local authority file (file:/BachUni/BachBibliothek/GitHub/ProjectJaraid/jaraid_source/authority-files/jaraid_authority-file.TEIP5.xml) and VIAF to persNames without such references based on persons in the local authority file. If the source persName did not contain any further TEI mark-up, this has been added from the local authority file. Added references to local authority file (file:/BachUni/BachBibliothek/GitHub/ProjectJaraid/jaraid_source/authority-files/jaraid_authority-file.TEIP5.xml) and VIAF to persNames without such references based on persons in the local authority file. If the source persName did not contain any further TEI mark-up, this has been added from the local authority file. Added references to local authority file (file:/BachUni/BachBibliothek/GitHub/ProjectJaraid/jaraid_source/authority-files/jaraid_authority-file.TEIP5.xml) and to GeoNames IDs to placeNames without such references based on places mentioned in the authority file. added Raph Cormack as contributor added Ulrike Freitag as contributor and data from Mobini-Kesheh Added references to local authority file (../authority-files/jaraid_authority-file.TEIP5.xml) and VIAF to persNames without such references based on persons in the local authority file. If the source persName did not contain any further TEI mark-up, this has been added from the local authority file. Added references to local authority file (../authority-files/jaraid_authority-file.TEIP5.xml) to orgNames without such references based on orgs mentioned in the authority file. Added references to local authority file (../authority-files/jaraid_authority-file.TEIP5.xml) to orgNames without such references based on orgs mentioned in the authority file. Updated Arabic content of rows 11 and 12 based on recent changes to the authority file Updated Arabic content of rows 11 and 12 based on recent changes to the authority file Updated Arabic content of rows 11 and 12 based on recent changes to the authority file Updated Arabic content of rows 11 and 12 based on recent changes to the authority file Updated Arabic content of rows 11 and 12 based on recent changes to the authority file Added columns for titles, people, and places in Arabic. The latter are based on the authority file. Corrections to personal names and toponyms shall therefore be made in the authority file only Added references to local authority file (../authority-files/jaraid_authority-file.TEIP5.xml) and to GeoNames IDs to placeNames without such references based on places mentioned in the authority file. Added references to local authority file (../authority-files/jaraid_authority-file.TEIP5.xml) and VIAF to persNames without such references based on persons in the local authority file. If the source persName did not contain any further TEI mark-up, this has been added from the local authority file. AM adds transliterated data for journals 1901-1929 from Ṭarrāzī, vol. 2. pt.4 from the Arabic list, and from other sources, without cross-checking or without collections; principles: 1) if there were two editors with the same family name (like Imīl and Shukrī Zaydān) I added them separately (Imīl Zaydān, Shukrī Zaydān) 2) some illustrated journals noted in notes 3) certain journals cross-referncess in notes because they are similar/perhaps duplicate/or same owners 4) since AM transliterates the Arabic there are differences compared to Ṭarrāzī's transliterated data; source of data is always indicated adds Nicole Hayat and her online suggestions corrects bibliographical data based on new data in email from Sadgrove and his own research, deleted t1r32, t1r170 adds holdings to Al-Hilāl, and al-Ahrām Deleted duplicate entry for al-Mishkāt in row t1r114. adds holdings to Al-Hilāl, and al-Ahrām adds holding institution DMW adds holding institution UJ adds t1r861 adds HARV holdings for t1r100 Added the xml:lang attribute to all nodes that lacked this attribute. The value is based on the closest ancestor. Made corrections to the TEI and moved all introductory material to the front. added digital holdings for t1r379 corrected bibliographic data Added collections and secondary literature made corrections to the XML added new corrections provided by Daniel Newman Added AUB holdings to t1r76 add further references to the Translatio digitisation project at Bonn. corrected same internal references to Princeton University Library corrected referrences to LaH and Mak Kull al-Lah with NEST on request of the institution itself. added references to the Translatio digitisation project at Bonn. corrected some errors introduced to the xml by earlier edits added other corrections provided by Daniel Newman added corrections provided by Adam Mestyan added contributor Daniel Newman added corrections provided by Daniel Newman added corrections provided by Till Grallert corrected some errors introduced in the previous update, included an erroneous reference to #hBOSJ. As the xslt ingnors the del tag in cell 9 (references to holding institutions), I finally deleted the references marked as such in May 2012, i.e. in rows t1r25, t1r339, t1r133 made some changes to the internal links added information on the Iraqi National Library provided by Adam Mestyan added corrections provided by Till Grallert added corrections provided by Adam Mestyan added Rogier Visser to the contributors added corrections provided by Rogier Visser corrected some markup corrected the markup of some persNames corrected the references to Ibrāhīm ʿAbduh based on Adam Mestyan's data After inquiring with Philip Sadgrove, it was established that Ibrāhīm ʿAbduh is indeed not the name of a collection but points towards the source of information made some corrections to the markup, correcting minor errors introduced by the previous additions added 3 periodicals to the chronology (t1r847, t1r848, and t1r849), added further holding institutions (UPenn, Stan, and Col) added some new data from MEC corrected t1r11 based on HA added some corrections of PS added some corrections of HA, additions left to TG added Hala Auji to contributors corrected typos added the corrections of TG from his email 13 September 2012 deleted official paper indications and moved to comments added automated markup for the date of last publication (cell 3) added links to the digital collection of Abū Naẓẓāra at IMA corrected some links to online resources added abbreviations for months longer then 5 letters included the day and month of the first issue (cell 2) in the @when, @notBefore, and @notAfter attributes of cell 1 through XSLT conversion added references to the al-Aqṣā collection unified the abbreviations DKT and DKWT for the Dār al-Kutub al-Waṭaniyya in Tunis into DKWT edited the title cells: 126, 245, 202, 176, 230, 159, 140, 158, 368, 443, 129; corrected misspelling of Abū Naẓẓāra made final corrections made final corrections added union catalogues and did final maintenance work rewrote the introduction, corrected the bibliography, added a row and some details to others added row 844 and machine-readable dates for 1883 and 1884 added markup for languages other than Arabic with "lang" incorporated some last abbreviations: EN (=BnF), IE, Ind Off, and omitted Beir corrected typos, changed Alg Lib to BnA and BM to BL deleted "Cent Lib"; replace "Lan" and "Lan Or" with "INALCO"; marked TGK and THC as deleted; marked up the last place names; found another holding institution not yet accounted for: "EN" corrected typos, added some data, clarified L'Oranais corrected typos, added some data, added dots, added data, added Rana Issa marked up some missing place names added the choice tag to the abbreviations copy-edited the text of the introduction and added a paragraph. finalised a first unification of personal names Replaced DKQW with DWKT Provided xml:ids for every row, based on the position of the row in the original data as provided Original TEI enhanced with semantic markup, including dates, placeName, and references to the legend Unified the references to "BLO = Bodleian Library, Oxford" and "Bod = Bodliean Library, Oxford" as "Bod = Bodleian Library, Oxford" Changed "LC" and "OB" to the commonly used "LoC" and "OIB" Added missing values to the list of abbreviations: DKQW, "Baghdad Univ", "CU", "DKT", "Dur", "DWQ", "Lan", "National Library of Israel", BM, Tet, Alg Lib Performed some transformations with custom XSLT to improve machine-readability Table first converted into TEI using OxGarage Jara'id A Chronology of Arabic Periodicals (1800-1929): A Research Tool 2020 Edition Contributions from Hala Auji, Philippe Chevrant, Raph Cormack, Marina Demetriadou, Lamia Eid, Stacy Fahrenthold, Ulrike Freitag, Till Grallert, Will Hanley, Rana Issa, Nicole Khayat, Peter Magierski, Johannes Makar, Leyla von Mende, Adam Mestyan, Christian Meier, Daniel Newman, Geoffrey Roper, Sinai Rusinek, Philip Sadgrove, Ola Seif, and Rogier Visser Prepared and supervised by Adam Mestyan Original 2012 Edition TEI XML-Markup, digital publication, concept and design of the website by Till Grallert 2020 Edition: Data addition, CETEICean transformation, digital publication, and design of the website by Adam Mestyan and Till Grallert; XSLT by Hugh Cayless and Till Grallert Advisor to 2020 Edition (CETEICean, JS, XSLT): Hugh Cayless Advisor to 2020 Edition (Visualization): Eric Monson This database and website are under the Creative Commons copyright of Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) This website uses CETEICEan by Hugh Cayless and Raffaele Viglianti to display the umodified TEI file in HTML Introductory Notes This website provides a chronology of Arabic periodicals between 1800 and 1929. It contains more than 3300 periodical titles with bibliographical information published in this period. Although it is meant to include all periodicals published in Arabic or in Arabic and in another language (such as the usual pair of Arabic and Ottoman Turkish) or in Arabic written in a different script (such as Judeo-Arabic) during the period from 1800 to 1929, this chronology is certainly incomplete. Furthermore, there remain numerous problems with dating and locating individual publications as well as identifying their owners, editors, or publishers. Thus, at the moment we consciously publish a working draft with the purpose of making our information available to the scholarly community. We welcome all readers to submit any comment, corrections, and new data using Adam Mestyan 's official email address. We would like to ask all contributors to always refer to the ID of each title – in case of comments on existing entries – and cite their sources, as otherwise we cannot consider the submission for being included in the table. Every contribution will be acknowledged. We chose to present the core data as a table containing information on titles, dates of first and last issue published, place(s) of publication, names of publishers and editors, language(s) of publication, and available collections (so far only in English/transliteration but Arabic indexes are coming as well). In addition, we provide various indexes of holding institutions and locations, as well as a bibliography of the most important secondary sources and available union catalogues. To search any part of the website, simply the browser's search function should be invoked (Ctrl-F for Windows, Cmd-F for Mac OSX). I. Version History The present database is a corrected and updated version of the 2012 first edition. It expands the chronological range up to 1929 and includes more than 3300 titles. The fundamental sources in this expansion are the lists in Philippe de Tarrazi (Fīlīb Dī Ṭarrāzī), Tārīkh al-Ṣiḥāfa al-ʿArabiyya, part 4 (Beirut: al-Maṭbaʿa al-Amīrkāniyya, 1933), that Adam Mestyan added manually during 2020. This data is enriched and checked against Adam Mestyan 's personal research, Till Grallert 's OpenArabic Editions, some bibliographic sources, and the available copies of originals. However, the present database has no pretention to be exhaustive. A growing number of scanned issues of Arabic (and Ottoman, Persian, Turkish, etc) journals are becoming publically available online in many institutional and private collections. We are doing our best to add these references, without any responsibility concerning the content or quality of the data in these digital repositories. We do not add links to commercial products. The first version of this database (containing titles published between 1800-1900) was published at the website of Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, in 2012. This original edition benefitted a major contribution by Prof. Philip Sadgrove. While preparing that list, Adam Mestyan was a 2011/2012 EUME-Fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin. The Zentrum Moderner Orient, its director Ulrike Freitag and vice-director Sonja Hegasy, generously supported and hosted the online publication at the time. The 2015 archived version of that list can be seen here; and a 2019 version is here. II. Transliteration We follow the IJMES-standard for Arabic transliteration. We display the main data entries in the Arabic script as well and we continously improve them. But we can only provide indexes in English/transliteration at the moment (Arabic is coming!). III. Period, time The choice for a limited period was arbitrary and due to constrains in resources. We used the Gregorian calendar out of convenience. At a later point, we plan to insert the dates according to the calendars indicated by the mastheads of the respective periodical (Hijrī, Coptic, Rūmī, Armenian, Greek, Jewish etc.). IV. The definition of a periodical A periodical here means a printed product that was established with the conscious aim to distribute it to the reading public on a regular basis (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.). We do not make a distinction between newspaper (jarīda or ṣaḥīfa) and magazine (majalla), which were often both called simply jūrnāl during the period covered. V. Availability We could not check all periodicals in the indicated collections. The authors of this database do not hold any responsibility for the actual holdings or the accessibility of the indicated copies. VI. Future We will continuously update the data and await the valuable corrections of readers. VII. Reference Please refer to this publication in the following way: Adam Mestyan, Till Grallert, et al. (2020). Jarāʾid: A Chronology of Arabic periodicals (1800-1929) (Version v1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4399240 Legend: [+] = crosschecked with Hartmann [+!] = only found in Hartmann and not in the Dār al-Kutub catalogue (Fihris al-dawriyyāt al-ʿArabiyya allatī taqtinī-hā al-Dār) ʿAbd = Ibrāhīm ʿAbduh, Taṭawwur al-ṣiḥāfa al-Miṣriyya: 1798–1981 (Cairo: Muʾassasat Sijill al-ʿArab, 1982) Fak = Rouchdi Fakkar, L'Influence française sur la formation de la presse litteraire en Egypte au XIX siècle (Paris, 1973) S = Sadgrove's data (his contribution, based on his own research) Ṭ = Ṭarrāzī's data (from his book) Bibliography / Sources See the sources and more in Project Jara'id's Zotero, too, created and curated by Till Grallert. Major sources Maḥmūd Ismāʿīl ʿAbd Allāh, Fihris al-Dawriyyāt al-ʿArabiyya allatī Taqtinīhā al-Dār, 2 vols. (Cairo: Maṭbaʿat Dār al-Kutub al-Miṣriyya, 1996), vol. 1. Catalogue of Ottoman Periodicals (Osmanlı Gazeteler), Atatürk Milli Kütüphanesi, Istanbul, Turkey. Fīlīp dī Ṭarrāzī (Philip de Tarrazi), Tāʾrīkh al-Ṣiḥāfa al-ʿArabiyya, 2 vols. (Beirut: Maṭbaʿat al-Adabiyya, 1913, 1933). Abdelghani Ahmed-Bioud, Hasan Hanafi, and Habib Feki, 3200 revues et journaux arabes: de 1800 à 1965, titres arabes et titres translittérés (Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France, 1969). Ibrāhīm ʿAbduh, Taṭawwur al-ṣiḥāfa al-Miṣriyya: 1798–1981 (Cairo: Muʾassasat Sijill al-ʿArab, 1982) and other works by the same author. Martin Hartmann, The Arabic Press in Egypt (London: Luzac, 1899). Encyclopedia of Islam, Second Edition, art. “djarīda” (Eds., Ph.K. Hitti, H. Massé, V.Günyol, A. Mango, Ch. Quelquejay, R. Loewenthal, J. Carnochan). Ami Ayalon, The Press in the Arab Middle East - A History (New York-Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995). Shmuel Moreh and Philip Sadgrove, Jewish Contributions to Nineteenth Century Arabic Theatre (Suppl. of Journal of Semitic Studies 6; Oxford University Press, 1996). Natalie Mobini-Kesheh, "The Arab Periodicals of the Netherlands East Indies, 1914-1942" In: Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 152, 2 (1996), 236-256. Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Shāmikh, Nash'at al-Ṣihāfa fī al-Mamlaka al-ʿArabiyya al-Saʿūdiyya(Riyadh: Dār al-ʿUlūm, 1981). Additional useful sources: Fatḥī al-Ibyārī, Ṣiḥāfatunā al-iqlīmiyya wa'l-Iskandariyya (Cairo: al-Ḥayʾa al-Miṣriyya al-ʿĀmma li'l-Kitāb, 1977). Iḥsān ʿAskar, Nashʾat al-ṣiḥāfa al-Sūriyya. ʿArḍ li'l-qawmiyya fī ṭaur al-nashʾa min al-ʿahd al-ʿuthmānī ḥattā qiyām al-dawla al-ʿArabiyya (Cairo: Dār al-Nahḍa al-ʿArabiyya, 1972). Iḥsān ʿAskar, Taṭawwur al-ṣiḥāfa al-Sūriyya. ʿArḍ li'l-qawmiyya fī ṭaur al-taṭawwur min al-ʿahd al-Faransī ḥattā qiyām dawlat al-waḥda (Cairo: Dār al-Nahḍa al- ‘Arabiyya, 1973). Iḥsān ʿAskar, Al-ṣiḥāfa al-ʿArabiyya fī Filasṭīn, al-Urdunn, Sūriyā wa-Lubnān (Cairo: Muʾassasat Sijill al-ʿArab, 1982). Salaheddine Boustany, “The Press During the French Expedition in Egypt 1798-1801,” Cahiers d'histoire egyptienne (1954): 1-30. Donald J. Cioeta, “Thamarāt al-Funūn – Syria's First Islamic Newspaper,” unpublished Ph.D. thesis (Chicago, 1979). Yūsuf Asʿad Dāghir, Qāmūs al-Ṣiḥāfa al-Lubnāniyya, 1858-1974 (Beirut: Al-Maktaba al-Sharqiyya, 1978). Ziad Fahmy, Ordinary Egyptians - Creating the Modern Nation through Popular Culture (Standford University Press, 2011). Rouchdi Fakkar, L'influence française sur la formation de la presse litteraire en Egypte au XIX siècle (Paris, 1973). Jūzīf Ilyās, Al-ṣiḥāfa al-Lubnāniyya - al-qāmūs al-muṣawwar: 1858–1958 (Beirut: Dār al-Niḍāl, 1997). Jūzīf Ilyās, Taṭawwur al-ṣiḥāfa al-Sūriyya fī miʾat ʿām (1865–1965), 2 vols. (Beirut: Dār al-Niḍāl, 1982-1983). Anwar al-Jundī, Taṭawwur al-ṣiḥāfa al-ʿArabiyya wa-atharu-hā fi'l-adab al-ʿArabī al-muʾāṣir, 2 vols. (Cairo: Maṭbaʿat al-Risāla, 1962-1967). Mihyār ʿAdnān al-Mallūḥī, Muʿjam al-jarāʾid al-Sūriyya 1865-1965 (Dimashq: al-Ūlā li-l-Nashr wa-l-Tawsīʿ, 2002). Ahmed Muddathir, Die arabische Presse in den Maghreb-Staaten, Hamburger Beiträge zur Afrikakunde (3) (Hamburg, Pfaffenhofen: Deutsches Institut für Afrika-Forschung/Afrika Verlag, 1966). Aḥmad al-Mujāzī, Dirāsāt fi'l-iʿlām al-fannī wa'l-ṣiḥāfa al-mutakhaṣṣiṣa, 3 vols. (Cairo: al-Hayʾa al-Miṣriyya al-ʿĀmma li'l-Kitāb, 1978-1984). Adīb Muruwwah, Al-ṣiḥāfa al-ʿarabiyya. Nashʾatu-hā wa-taṭawwuru-hā (Beirut: Dār Maktabat al-Ḥayāt, 1961). Nadwa Taʾrīkh al-ṭibāʿa al-ʿArabiyya ḥattā intihāʾ al-qarn al-tāsiʿ ʿashar (Abu Dhabi, 1996). Joseph Nasrallah, L'Imprimerie au Liban (Harissa: Imprimerie de S. Paul, 1949). Shams al-Dīn al-Rifāʿī, Taʾrīkh al-ṣiḥāfa al-Sūriyya (Cairo: Dār al-Maʿārif, 1969) Philip C. Sadgrove, “The Development of the Arabic periodical press and its role in the literary life of Egypt (1798–1882),” unpublished Ph.D. thesis (University of Edinburgh, 1983). Philip C. Sadgrove, “The European Press in Khedive Ismāʿīl's Egypt (1863-66): A Neglected Field,” Supplement of Semitic Studies, 24 (2008): 109-128. ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Sharaf, Al-waḥda wa'l-tanawwuʿ fī tārīkh al-ṣiḥāfa al-ʿArabiyya, (Cairo: Al-Hayʾa al-Miṣriyya al-ʿĀmma li'l-Kitāb, 2002). Hilāl al-Shāyijī, Al-ṣiḥāfa fi'l-Kuwayt wa'l-Baḥrayn mundhū nashʾati-hā ḥattā ʿahd al-istiqlāl (Al-Manāma: Maṭbūʿāt Bānūrāmā al-Khalīj, 1989). Union Catalogues Atabaki, Touraj and Solmaz Rustămova-Tohidi. Baku Documents: Union Catalogue of Persian, Azerbaijani, Ottoman Turkish and Arabic Serials and Newspapers in the Libraries of the Republic of Azerbaijan. London: Tauris Academic Studies, 1995. Auchterlonie, James Paul Crawford and Yasin Hamid Safadi. Union Catalogue of Arabic Serials and Newspapers in British Libraries. London: Mansell Information Publishing, 1977. De Jong, Fred. "Arabic Periodicals Published in Syria Before 1946: The Holdings of Zahiriyya Library in Damascus." Bibliotheca Orientalis36 (1979): 292-300. Duman, Hasan. Baslangicindan Harf Devrimine Kadar Osmanli-Türk Süreli Yayinlar Ve Gazeteler Bibliyografyasi Ve Toplu Katalogu, 1828-1928.3 vols. Ankara: Enformasyon ve Dokümantasyon Hizmetleri Vakfi, 2000. Duman, Hazirlayan Hasan and Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu. Istambul Kütüphaneleri Arap Harfli Süreli Yayinlar Toplu Katalogu: 1828-1928 = Union Catalogue of the Periodicals in Arabic Script in the Libraries of Istambul. Istambul: The Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture, 1986. El-Hadi, Mohamed M. Union List of Arabic Serials in the United States: The Arabic Serial Holdings of Seventeen Libraries. Vol.75 of Occasional papers. Urbana: University of Illinois, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, 1965. Hopwood, Derek. Arabic Periodicals in Oxford: A Union List. Oxford: St. Antony's College, 1970. Chronologic Table of Dated Periodicals (1800-1929)
Year of first issue Day/month of first issue Date of last issue Title Place of publication Owners/ publishers/ editors Comments Source Holdings عنوان محرر/رئيس الادارة/صاحب الجورنال أماكن
1799 15 Dec. 1800 La décade égyptienne Cairo Organ of the Institut d'Égypte in French with some parts in Arabic; French army BL:1799-1800, 3 vols, reprint Beirut, BnF: online La décade égyptienne Institut d'Égypteالقاهرة
*1800 *Al-Tanbīh *Cairo French army proposed journal in Arabic by General Menou in the last years of the French occupation (proposed editor: Shaykh Ismāʿīl al-Khashshāb) – never realised Boustany, “The Press During the French Expedition in Egypt 1798-1801,” 27, = Alexandria التنبيه الجيش الفرنسيالقاهرة
1813 1822? Al-Jūrnāl al-Khidīwī Cairo Egyptian government, Muḥammad ʿAlī Pasha bulletin with limited circulation in Ottoman Turkish and Arabic, handwritten, then lithography. ʿAbd: established in 1822 and remained in publication even after 1828 S الجورنال الخديوي الحكومة المصرية / محمد علي باشاالقاهرة
1816 ? Jūrnāl al-ʿIrāq Baghdad Dāʾūd Pasha al-Kirjī (Ottoman wālī) Ottoman Turkish and Arabic No evidence of its publication جورنال العراق داؤود باشا الكرجيبغداد
1828 3 Dec. until today Waqāʾiʿ-i Miṣriyye / Al-Waqāʾiʿ al-Miṣriyya Būlāq then Cairo 1833 Government / Dīwān al-Madāris First in Ottoman Turkish and Arabic, from about 1866 the Arabic and Ottoman separated and only the Arabic is known today; but the separate Ottoman edition was printed between 1866 and 1882 also in Būlāq, called Rūznāme-i Vakayi-i Mısriye, MDM has holdings between 1876-1882 and CRL made issues available from 1873-1874. See also the blog posts of La fabrique du Caire moderne such as this one. DKQ, Zagh, BL, , DKQM: almost complete, AKI: 1263, 1265-7, BnF: from nr. 3 (5 January 1829), some issues in 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1835, 1836, 1837, 1838 (cote: Res GR Fol NFZ 13), AUC, Yale, BS: 1261-68 (1845-1852), CRL: 1829-33, 1837 (one issue), 1840, 1843 (one issue), 1844 (one issue), 1845-1849 (almost complete), 1865-1871 (complete), 1872 (only January issues), 1873-1874 (complete, mixed with Ottoman issues), 1875-1877, 1882 Spring, 1883 (1 issue), 1895, MDM: 1248-1251, 1870s-. وقايع مصرية الوقائع المصرية الحكومة / ديوان المدارسبولاق / القاهرة
1833 Jan. 1834 Akhbār al-Qāṣid Valetta (Malta) Church Missionary Society 12 issues in 1833, in 1834 newspaper format but content is religious/evangelical CMS Archives: CM/04/21-23 Harv: 1833 (7 issues), MEC: 1833 (1 issue)? اخبار القاصد Church Missionary Societyفاليتا
1834 15 issues Al-Jarīda al-ʿAskariyya Cairo Government / Dīwān al-Jihādiyya paper of the army; ʿAbd: established in 1833 الجريدة العسكرية الحكومة / ديوان الجهاديةالقاهرة
1839? well into the 20th century L'Akhbar Algiers Victor Barruland French, French and Arabic one issue from 12 July 1839, S BnF, BnA, Stan: 1905, 1906-1928 (call no: NEWS COLL. ALGERIA 1905:DEC.24-1906) الأخبار Victor Barrulandالجزائر
1847 15 Sept. 1926;1960s? Al-Mubashshir Algiers official Arabic and French lithograph; 1850 typography , S BL: 1864, 1867, 1894-99, BnF: 1847-, (cote: JO 3033 [BIS]), BnA المبشر رسميةالجزائر
1848 25 Oct. 1849 Al-Ḥawādith al-Tijāriyya wa'l-Iʿlānāt al-Mulkiyya Cairo official Became Taqwīm al-Akhbār wa'l-Ḥawādith al-Tijāriyya wa'l-Iʿlānāt al-Mulkiyya. ʿAbd: al-Jarīda al-Tijāriyya al-Zirāʿiyya established in 1848 S; gives different title الحوادث التجارية والاعلانات الملكية رسميةالقاهرة
1848 ? Nov. 21 February 1849, 13 issues Taqwīm al-Akhbār ʿan al-Ḥawādith al-Tijāriyya wa'l-Iʿlānāt al-Mulkiyya Cairo official S تقويم الاخبار عن الحوادث التجارية والاعلانات الملكية رسميةالقاهرة
1852 January? Aʿmāl al-Jamʿiyya al-Sūriyya Beirut Al-Jamʿiyya al-Sūriyya li'l-Iktisāb al-ʿUlūm wa'l-Funūn later changed into al-Jamʿiyya al-Sūriyya li'l-funūn wa'l-ʿulūm, officers were elected on 6 January 1852, the first volume was later printed at the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions' press in Beirut BL?, 1852, 1868-79 issues reprinted by Yusuf Q. Khuri (Beirut: Dar al-Hamra',1990), Col (Butler Stacks, call no: 892.06 Sy8, first volume only) اعمال الجمعية السورية الجمعية السورية للاكتساب العلوم والفنونبيروت
1853 still 1858? Majmūʿ Fawāyid li-Nakhbat Afāḍil Beirut American missionaries 1852-1853, 1858? مجموع فوايد لنخبة افاضل المرسلون الاميركييونبيروت
1855 1866 Doresh Tov le-ʿAmmo / Ṭālib al-Khayr li-Qawmihi / The Hebrew Gazette Bombay David Ben Ḥayyim Judeo-Arabic S Doresh Tov le-ʿAmmo / طالب الخير لقومه / The Hebrew Gazette داود بن حيمممباي
1855 ? from 1876 published in London, see below Mirʾāt al-Aḥwāl Istanbul, Cairo, later London Rizq Allāh Ḥassūn Harv: 1877, BL: 1877 الاحوال رزق الله حسوناسطنبول / القاهرة / لندن
1857 1 Jan. Al-Salṭana Istanbul, then Cairo (1858) Iskandar Shalhūb السلطنة اسكندر شلهوباسطنبول / القاهرة
1858 29 June 1907; reappeared 1909-1910, 20 April 1911 Ḥadīqat al-Akhbār Beirut Khalīl al-Khūrī / Wadīʿ al-Khūrī / Ḥanā al-Khūrī Arabic. From 1868/1870? in Arabic and French AUB: 1858-1868, 1881-1888, DKQ, BnF: online one issue in 1861, two issues in 1862, BL: 1858-1868, SOAS, Bod, MK: 1858-1860, FUI: 1881-1888, SBB: 1858-65, UH, Kew حديقة الاخبار خليل الخوري / وديع الخوري / حنا الخوريبيروت
1858 9 October 15 August 1859 ʿUṭārid Marseille (6 issues), then from 16 June 1859 in Paris (9 issues) Pascal Vincent Carletti = Manṣūr Carletti BL: 1858-1859 عطارد Pascal Vincent Carlettiمرسيليا / باريس
1859 24 June 1866 Birjīs Bārīs / L'Aigle de Paris / Le Birgys / Le Bergys Paris François Bourgade (owner); Comte Rushayd al-Daḥdāḥ (editor); Sulayman al-Hara'iri (editor) French and Arabic data is wrong, S; corrected by D. Newman SOAS 1859, BnF 1859-1866 L'Aigle de Paris / Le Birgys / Le Bergys / برجيس باريس François Bourgade / رشيد الدحداح / سليمان الحرائريباريس
1860 July, then 1861 1884 Al-Jawāʾib Istanbul, from 1883 Cairo Aḥmad Fāris al-Shidyāq Arabic, rarely Ottoman Turkish articles , S AUB: preparations for digitization, BnF, Prin, HTU, AKI: 1869-1877, AKID: 1861-1863, DKQ: ?, BL: 1861, 1862, 1877, MEC microfilm: 1868-1873/1877-1879/1881-1883, SOAS: 1860 الجوائب احمد فارس الشدياقاسطنبول / القاهرة
1860 22 July until today as al-Rāʾid al-Rasmī li-l-Jumhūriyya al-Tūnisiyya Al-Rāʾid al-Tūnisī Tunis unknown official journal of Beylical government; founded by General Ḥusayn with the editor Carletti BL: 1860-1875, BnF: 1888 (cote JO 9121), DKWT, MTQ, Aʿḥ الرائد التونسي تونس
1860 August 1861; 25 issues were published L'Aigle de Paris (Birgys) Paris François Bourgade; Rushayd al-Dardāḥ Bilingual, French-Arabic, edition consisting of extracts from the Arabic edition from Birjīs Bārīs Moncef Chenoufi, Le problème des origines de l'imprimerie et de la presse arabes en Tunisie dans sa relation avec la renaissance Nahda (1847-1887) (PhD dissertation, 1970) BnF. L'Aigle de Paris (Birgys) François Bourgade / رشيد الدرداحباريس
1860 29 Sept. 22 April 1861, 11 issues Nafīr Sūriyya/ Nafīr Sūriyya aw al-Waṭaniyya Beirut Buṭrus al-Bustānī title change from (from issue 4, 25 December 1860) , S AUB, BnF, reprint Beirut 1990 نفير سورية / نفير سورية او الوطنية بطرس البستانيبيروت
1861 1 Jan. Risālat Qalb Yasūʿ al-Mālṭiyya / Il Messaggier Valletta (Malta) unknown رسالة قلب يسوع المالطية / Il Messaggier فاليتا
1863 Few issues Natāʾij al-Akhbār Tunis Al-Sayyid Ḥusayn al-Muqaddam S نتائج الاخبار السيد حسين المقدمتونس
1863 1 March Akhbār ʿan Intishār al-Anjīl fi Amākin Mukhtalifa / Al-ʿĀlam Beirut American missionaries was replaced by Al-Nashra al-Shahriyya in 1866 , S AUB, NEST: 1863-66 اخبار عن انتشار الانجيل في اماكن مختلفة / العالم المرسلون الاميركييونبيروت
1865 1870 Yaʿsūb al-Ṭibb Cairo Muḥammad ʿAlī Bāshā al-Ḥakīm, organ of the École de Médecine et de Pharmacie , S Harv, MEC يعسوب الطب محمد علي باشا الحكيم / École de Médecine et de Pharmacieالقاهرة
1865 22 Sept. 20 Dec. 1865/1 Shaʿbān 1282 Al-Jarīda al-ʿAskariyya al-Miṣriyya Cairo Dīwān al-Jihādiyya , S DKQ? الجريدة العسكرية المصرية ديوان الجهاديةالقاهرة
1865 19 Nov. 1918? Sūriyya Damascus Rāshid Bāshā official paper. Ottoman Turkish and Arabic. Ṭarrāzī I:67 (1913) mentions that sūriye is still published today. AUB, BOSJ, BDK, FUI: 1882-1888, HTU: 1899-1902, MK, Len, DKW سورية راشد باشادمشق
1866 1912 Ṭarābulus al-Gharb Ṭarābulus al-Gharb official Ottoman Turkish, then Ottoman Turkish and Arabic. 1864 lithography, 1870 typography S, =1870 HTU طرابلس الغرب رسميةطرابلس الغرب
1866 1 Jan. Al-Nashra al-Shahriyya Beirut American missionaries/ Dr. Cornelius Van Dyke This replaced Akhbār ʿan Intishār al-Anjīl, then in 1871 replaced by Al-Nashra al-ʿUsbūʿiyya , S NEST: 1866-71 النشرة الشهرية المرسلون الاميركييون / Cornelius Van Dykeبيروت
1866 1 Jan. only eight months Al-Sharika al-Shaḥriyya Beirut Yūsuf Shalfūn BL الشركة الشحرية يوسف شلفونبيروت
1867 Al-Jarīda al-Rasmiyya Baʿbdā Ḥukūma mutaṣarrifa, Jabal Lubnān official paper. BnF الجريدة الرسمية حكومة متصرفة , جبل لبنانبعبدا
1867 Al-Mushtarī Paris unknown المشتري باريس
1867 1868 Lubnān Bayt al-Dīn, Dayr al-Qamar ( Lebanon) Dāwud Bāshā, awwal mutaṣarrif official paper. Arabic and French, replaced by Ḥadīqat al-Akhbār لبنان داود باشابيت الدين / دير القمر / لبنان
1867 28 May 1918 Al-Furāt/Furāt Aleppo official Ottoman Turkish, Arabic, Armenian : 1866, 1869 DKW, Ayn, , MK الفرات/ فرات رسميةحلب
1867 1 June 1911? Aʿmāl Sharikat Mār Manṣūr dī Būl Beirut Sharikat Mār Manṣūr dī Būl S BnF, BOSJ اعمال شركة مار منصور دي بول شركة مار منصور دي بولبيروت
1867 Rabīʿ al-Awwal 1284 (July 1867) 1878? Wādī al-Nīl Cairo ʿAbd Allāh Abu'l-Suʿūd and Muḥammad Unsī Only existing copies so far 1869 spring-1871 spring. It is said that it was suspended in 1872; Abbas Hilmi, Mémoires d'un souverain (Le Caire: Cedej, 1994), 39. In Dāghir, 395, Ḥabīb Gharzūzī is given as co-founder. Ayalon: replaced by Rawḍat al-Akhbār in 1874. = 1866 IDEO: 1869-1871, DKQ: vol 4 (1870-71), NLoI: vol 4 (1870-71), Utah: vol 4 (1870-71); AUB? وادي النيل عبد الله ابو السعود / محمد انسيالقاهرة
1867 12 Sept. 16 September 1868 Ghadīr al-Furāt Aleppo official Ottoman Turkish, Arabic, later Armenian MK, BS:online n.1-27 غدير الفرات رسميةحلب
1868 1869 Aʿmāl al-Jamʿiyya al-ʿIlmiyya al-Sūriyya Beirut Al-Jamʿiyya al-ʿIlmiyya al-Sūriyya AUB اعمال الجمعية العلمية السورية الجمعية العلمية السوريةبيروت
1868 15 Jan. Majmūʿat al-ʿUlūm Beirut Al-Jamʿiyya al-ʿIlmiyya al-Sūriyya BnF مجموعة العلوم الجمعية العلمية السوريةبيروت
1868 4 May two issues Rujūm wa-Ghassāq ilā Fāris al-Shidyāq London Rizq Allāh Ḥassūn Cam: complete, StPL: first issue رجوم الغساق الى فارس الشدياق رزق الله حسونلندن
1869 15 June 11 March 1917 Al-Zawrāʾ Baghdad official official journal (established by Midhat Pasha, wālī). Ottoman Turkish and Arabic HTU, UBagh: 1286-1288 aH INL (50 issues at World Digital Library) الزوراء رسميةبغداد
1870 seven issues Adzīrī / L'Israélite Algérien Algiers Nessim Benisti Judeo-Arabic/French ادزيري / L'Israélite Algérien Nessim Benistiالجزائر
1870 Al-Munabbih al-Tijārī al-Miṣrī / Indicateur Commercial Cairo Flack Italian, Egyptian colloquial Arabic and French S المنبه التجاري المصري / Indicateur Commercial Flackالقاهرة
1870 1872 Al-Zahra Beirut Yūsuf Shalfūn and Muḥiyī al-Dīn al-Qalībī S AUB, Hathitrust online الزهرة يوسف شلفون / محيي الدين القليبيبيروت
1870 1873 Statistique de l'Égypte Cairo Wizārat al-Dākhiliyya ? perhaps not in Arabic? In various German libraries Statistique de l'Égypte وزارة الداخليةالقاهرة
1870 1 Jan. 10 June 1886 Al-Jinān Beirut Buṭrus al-Bustānī and, later, Salīm al-Bustānī in Ghādir, 395: Buṭrus al-Bustānī, Salīm al-Bustānī, and Najīb al-Bustānī DKQ, AUB, BnF: 1871-1874, DKW, Harv: INALCO , IDEO, MEC, Cam, Bod, IMA: 1870-1882 (online), FUAS, SBB: complete (50 PF 12, 4" Ad 5922), AUC, Aqṣā: 1874 (EAP119/1/6), Prin: complete (online at HathiTrust), OpenArabicPE: index. الجنان بطرس البستاني / سليم البستانيبيروت
1870 1 Jan. one year Al-Majmaʿ al-Fātikānī Beirut Jesuit fathers S المجمع الفاتكاني Jesuitsبيروت
1870 25 Feb. 1870 Al-Mihmāz Beirut Khalīl Aṭiya S BnF, NLoI المهماز خليل اطيةبيروت
1870 17 April 8 September 1877 Rawḍat al-Madāris al-Miṣriyya Cairo Rifāʿat Rāfiʿ al-Ṭahṭāwī official paper of Niẓārat al-Madāris +, Numerous collections, published also separately, DKQ, online vols.3-4, UWL: 1870-77 (facsimile edition). روضة المدارس المصرية رفاعة رافع الطهطاويالقاهرة
1870 11 May in 1877 moved to London, continued there until 1881 Al-Naḥla Beirut Luwīs Ṣābūnjī 31 issues AUB: full, BOSJ: full, DKQ, BnF one issue only, LoC: 1870 النحلة لويس صابونجيبيروت
1870 11 June 29 September 1885 Al-Janna Beirut Buṭrus al-Bustānī and Salīm al-Bustānī AUB, MEC microfilm: 1879-1884; SBB: 1870-1874; IDEO, DKQ الجنة بطرس البستاني / سليم البستانيبيروت
1870 12 Aug. two/three issues Nuzhat al-Afkār Cairo Ibrāhīm al-Muwayliḥī and Muḥammad ʿUthmān Jalāl نزهة الافكار ابراهيم المويلحي / محمد عثمان جلالالقاهرة
1870 3 Sept. 31 December 1947 Al-Bashīr Beirut Published by the Jesuit fathers. Among its editors were Anṭūn al-Jumayyil, Luwīs Maʿlūf, Khalīl Badawī al-Dimashqī, and Anṭūn al-Ṣāliḥānī DKQ, AUB:1875-1914, BOSJ, BL: 1870-1875, 1877-1914, BnF: 1873-76, 1890, 1913-14, FUI: 1875-1914, MJU: 1870-1947; CRL:online 1870-1920 البشير Jesuits / انطون الجميل / لويس معلوف / خليل بدوي الدمشقي / انطون الصالحانيبيروت
1871 Al-Nafʿ al-ʿAzīm li-Ahl hādhā al-Iqlīm Lahore Shams al-Dīn, al-Shaykh al-Malwī Muqarrib ‘Alī, Dr G.W. Leitner 1873 S النفع العزيم لاهل هذا الاقليم شمس الدين , الشيخ الملوي مقرب علي / Dr G.W. Leitnerلاهور
1871 Al-Naḥla al-Ḥurra Cairo (In Ghādir, 396: London) Luwīs Ṣābūnjī ʿAbd: established in 1870 , S النحلة الحرة لويس صابونجيالقاهرة / لندن
1871 Al-Naḥla wa'l-Zahra Beirut Luwīs Ṣābūnjī 2 issues, S DKQ: first issue, HTU: second issue as part of the digitized al-Najāḥ النحلة و الزهرة لويس صابونجيبيروت
1871 1 Jan. 1890 Kawkab al-Ṣubḥ al-Munīr Beirut American missionaries 1870? S BnF, NEST: 1886-90, BL: 1877 كوكب الصبح المنير المرسلون الاميركييونبيروت
1871 9 Jan. 1874, perhaps 1882 Al-Najāḥ Beirut Yūsuf Shalfūn and Luwīs Ṣābūnjī ʿAbd AUB: 1872 (incomplete), 1873-1874 (incomplete), 1882, HTU:1871 (digitalized), DKQ:1871 (complete year) النجاح يوسف شلفون / لويس صابونجيبيروت
1871 10 Jan. still 1930 Al-Nashra al-Usbūʿiyya Beirut Henry Jessup, American missionaries AUB: 1872-74 (Vol. 2-7), 1880-83 (Vol. 10-11), 1889-1914 (Vol. 34-49), BnF, BL: 1871, 1873, NEST: complete but for 1878/79, 1890, 1916-20 النشرة الاسبوعية Henry Jessup / المرسلون الاميركييونبيروت
1871 3 Feb. 1875? al-Junayna Beirut Salīm al-Bustānī الجنينة سليم البستانيبيروت
1872 still 1883 Al-Yaman Sanaa official official Journal of the Ottoman government. Ottoman Turkish and Arabic? S اليمن رسميةصنعاء
1872 Fars Shiraz unknown Arabic and Persian S فرس شيراز
1872 Jūrnāl ʿUmūmī li-Kāfat al-Iʿlānāt / Journal Général de Publicité Cairo Leon Lambert; published by Giacomo Castelli French and Arabic S جورنال عمومي لكافة الاعلانات / Journal Général de Publicité Leon Lambert / Giacomo Castelliالقاهرة
1872 Āl Sām Wandsworth, London Rizq Allāh Ḥassūn S, آل سام رزق الله حسونلندن
1873 few issues Al-Juʿba Darʿūn ( Lebanon) Shaykh Nawfal al-Khāzin S الجعبة شيخ نوفل الخازندرعون / لبنان
1873 1877? Al-Kawkab al-Sharqī Alexandria Salīm al-Ḥamawī and ʿAbduh al-Ḥamawī S الكوكب الشرقي سليم الحموي / عبده الحمويالاسكندرية
1873 1878 Ha-Mevaser / The Jewish Gazette Calcutta Ezekiel Solomon Judeo-Arabic Ha-Mevaser / The Jewish Gazette Ezekiel Solomonكلكتا
1873 few issues Shuʿāʿ al-Kawkab al-Sharqī Alexandria Salīm al-Ḥamawī ʿAbd: established in 1876 شعاع الكوكب الشرقي سليم الحمويالاسكندرية
1873 1873 Ḥadīqat al-Akhbār Alexandria Salīm al-Ḥamawī S حديقة الاخبار سليم الحمويالاسكندرية
1873 11 July 1879 Jarīdat Arkān Ḥarb al-Jaysh al-Miṣrī Cairo Organ of the Egyptian Army's General Staff (Arkān Ḥarb) ʿAbd: established in 1874 Harv, DKQ, MEC, Stan جريدة اركان حرب الجيش المصري اركان حرب الجيش المصريالقاهرة
1874 1877? Akhbār Ṭibbiyya Beirut unknown + BL: 1874 اخبار طبية بيروت
1874 still 1876? Al-Naḥla al-Fatiya Beirut Luwīs Ṣābūnjī a mistake, this title does not exist (Rogier Visser) النحلة الفتية لويس صابونجيبيروت
1874 1900 Al-Nuzha al-Khayriyya Tunis Al-Ḥājj Ḥasan Lāzughlī calendar yearly S DKWT, MTQ, Aʿḥ النزهة الخيرية الحاج حسن لازغليتونس
1874 1878? Rawḍat al-Akhbār Cairo Muḥammad Unsī ʿAbd: established in 1875 + DKQ? روضة الاخبار محمد انسيالقاهرة
1874 1 Jan. reappeared 1881-1889 (still 1908?) Al-Taqaddum Beirut Yūsuf Shalfūn and al-Khūrī Yūsuf al-Dibs, later Adīb Isḥāq reissued in 1878 AUB:1874-75, 1881-85, SBB: 1881, DKQ: 1882? التقدم يوسف شلفون / يوسف الدبس / اديب اسحاقبيروت
1875 30 October 1918, restarted 14 December 1918-1934 Al-Mawṣil Mosul official Arabic and Ottoman Turkish +, = 1885? Ayn, Ir Mus: 1918-1928, HTU: 1310 (it is vol 11th, only Ottoman Turkish) الموصل رسميةالموصل
1875 Maẓlaʿ al-ʿUlūm wa-Manbaʿ Akhbār al-Hind wa-l-Rūm Bombay ? S مظلع العلوم ومنبع اخبار الهند والروم ?ممباي
1875 1887 Shifāʾ al-Udūr Lahore Mawlānā Fayḍ al-Ḥasan Sahāranpūrī S شفاء الادور مولانا فيض الحسن سهارنبوريلاهور
1875 Ḥadīqat al-Abṣār Cairo unknown S حديقة الابصار القاهرة
1875 20 April 20 November 1908 Thamarāt al-Funūn Beirut ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Qabbānī and, later, Aḥmad Ḥasan Ṭabbāra, Jamʿiyyat al-Funūn from 1909: al-Ittiḥād al-ʿUthmānī DKW, DKQ, FUI: 1875-1908, HTU: 1 issue of 1887 , AUB: 1875-1908 (microfilm, n. 26),MEC microfilm: 1875-1908, OIB: digitized copies on DVD (1886-1891, 1897-1901, 1904-1906, 1908), BL: 1877 ثمرات الفنون عبد القادر القباني / احمد حسن طبارة / جمعية الفنونبيروت
1876 Al-Ghazzāl Jerusalem Shaykh ʿAlī al-Rīmāwī S الغزال شيخ علي الريماويالقدس
1876 1879 Ṣadā al-Ahrām Alexandria Salīm Taqlā and Bishāra Taqlā DKQ صدى الاهرام سليم تقلا / بشارة تقلاالاسكندرية
1876 1 May 1952 Al-Muqtaṭaf Beirut, from 1884 Cairo Yaʿqūb Ṣarrūf, Fāris Nimr, Shāhīn Makāriyūs There are long (kabīr) and short (ṣaghīr) versions for Volumes 6 to 9, which were most likely targetted at two different markets (the long version at Egypt and Europe and the short one at Beirut, Lebanon, and surrounding areas). Volume 4 exhibits similar characteristics but is unmarked beyond the pricing. + AUB, AUC, DKQ, Dur, BL, SOAS, MEC, DKQM, IMA online, FUAS, SBB: 1876-1914, DMW: 1877-1930s (with gaps), Prin available at HathiTrust, BONN: online, 1876-1952, Sakhrit: facsimiles and (limited) index, UWL: 1876-1952 المقتطف يعقوب صروف / فارس نمر / شاهين مكاريوسبيروت / القاهرة
1876 5 Aug. still published Al-Ahrām 1876-1880, Alexandria, weekly; 1880-1898, Alexandria, daily; 1898- Cairo, daily Salīm Taqlā and Bishāra Taqlā an experimental issue was already published 15 July 1876 DKQM: full collection (almost complete), BnF (1881-1883; 1938-), DKQ, SOAS, BL, Tet, BnA, LoC, BL: holdings unclear; SBB: 1889-1893, AUC, Harv: 1876-1939 microfilm, BIBAL: microfilm full collection, UWL: 1920-1940 etc; selected online issues (not full years) at archive.org 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976 الاهرام سليم تقلا / بشارة تقلاالاسكندرية / الاسكندرية / القاهرة
1876 19 Oct. still 1877 Mirʾāt al-Aḥwāl fi'l-Siyāsa wa'l-Akhlāq London Rizq Allāh Ḥassūn S, BL: incomplete; Harv: 1877; DKQ: incomplete: مرآة الاحوال في السياسة والاخلاق رزق الله حسونلندن
1877 Al-Kashshāf Alexandria Ibrāhīm Naẓmī BL, Bod? الكشاف ابراهيم نظميالاسكندرية
1877 until summer 1882, then 1884-1941? still 1959? Al-Maḥrūsa Alexandria, then 1887 Cairo Established by Salīm Khalīl al-Naqqāsh. Amongt its editors were Jirjis Mikhāʾīl Naḥḥās, Dāwud Barakāt, Niqūlā Ḥaddād, and Jabar Ḍūmaṭ dated it 1880 wrongly, an issue (5 January 1882) in DKQM states that it is the journal's sixth year + DKQM, DKQ, AUB: 1881, 1913, 1923; , Len, BnF: 1880 المحروسة سليم خليل النقاش / جرجس مخائيل نحاس / داود بركات / نقولا حداد / جبر ضومطالاسكندرية / القاهرة
c1877 Al-Naḥla al-Adabiyya ? unknown weekly S AUB? النحلة الادبية
1877 Al-Shāṭir al-Kaslān wa'l-Nāʾim al-Yaqẓān Cairo unknown S الشاطر الكسلان والنائم اليقظان القاهرة
1877 1929 Al-Waṭan Cairo Mīkhāʾīl ʿAbd al-Sayyid + BL: 1881, 1882, 1883, 1887, DKQM: 1888?; after 1888 in DKQ الوطن ميخائيل عبد السيدالقاهرة
1877 1879 Al-Ṣadā Paris Florian Pharaon, Wizārat al-Maʿārif al-Faransiyya Arabic and French , S BnF (cote Fol O2 2881) الصدى Florian Pharaon / وزارة المعارف الفرنسيةباريس
1877 Nashrat al-Tilighrāf Alexandria Salīm Taqlā and Bishāra Taqlā S نشرة التلغراف سليم تقلا / بشارة تقلاالاسكندرية
1877 21 March 18 May 1878, 15 issues; under various titles continuation until December 1910 Abū Naẓẓāra Zarqā Cairo Jams Sānuwā only fifteen issues in Egyptian colloquial Arabic, but see the later developments below, at each year ? (see later numbers' holdings below) ابو نظارة زرقا جمس سانواالقاهرة
1877 2 April 1880 The Bee / Al-Naḥla London Luwīs Ṣābūnjī Arabic and English, 57 issues S, BL: complete, DKQ: incomplete, HTU: first two years (digitized) النحلة / The Bee لويس صابونجيلندن
1877 10 May 1878, only fifteen issues Al-Shahbā Aleppo Abd al-Raḥmān al-Kawākibī with Hāshim al-ʿAṭṭār only 15 issues, mentioned in al-Kawākibī, Al-Aʿmāl al-kāmila, 71, AUB الشهبى عبد الرحمن الكواكبي / هاشم العطارحلب
1877 1 July 1879? Miṣr Cairo, then Alexandria? Adīb Isḥāq and Salīm Khalīl al-Naqqāsh DKQM مصر اديب اسحاق / سليم خليل النقاشالقاهرة / الاسكندرية
1877 2 Aug. 1878 Ḥaqīqat al-Akhbār Cairo Anīs Khallāṭ + Ayn, DKQ, AUB? (not in the online catalogue) حقيقة الاخبار انيس خلاطالقاهرة
1877 18 Oct. 1975 Lisān al-Ḥāl Beirut Established by Khalīl Sarkīs. Among its editors were Rashīd ʿAṭiyya and Saʿīd ʿAql AUB: 1877-1932, 1960-1975; , BnF, BOSJ, Bod, BL: 1883, SBB: 1879-1880; CRL: online 1877-1932 لسان الحال خليل سركيس / رشيد عطية / سعيد عقلبيروت
1877 23 Oct. 1 February 1883 Jarīda Rasmiyya / Journal Officiel pour les Publications Judiciares / Journal Officiel des Tribunaux Giornale Ufficiale per le Pubblicazioni Giudiziarie Alexandria August Bismot Arabic-French-Italian; “official” paper of the Mixed Courts S جريدة رسمية/ Journal Officiel pour les Publications Judiciares / Journal Officiel des Tribunaux Giornale Ufficiale per le Pubblicazioni Giudiziarie August Bismotالاسكندرية
1878 Al-Bākūra li-Aʿmāl Jamʿiyyat Musāʿadat al-Marḍā al-Ūrthūdhūksiyya Beirut unknown S الباكورة لاعمال جمعية مساعدة المرضى الاورثوذوكسية بيروت
1878 1882 Al-Iskandariyya (also called Iskandariyya) Alexandria Salīm al-Ḥamawī Ayn?, DKQ الاسكندرية سليم الحمويالاسكندرية
1878 1879? Al-Nīl/ Il Nilo / Le Nile Alexandria; later Cairo A M Onsy (likely Muḥammad Unsī) French; later Arabic S النيل ? Il Nilo / Le Nile A. M. Onsy / محمد انسيالاسكندرية / القاهرة
1878 1908 Al-Taqaddum (reissued?) Beirut Yūsuf Shalfūn et al AUB: 1881-85; Prin: 1885 التقدم يوسف شلفونبيروت
1878 two/three issues Al-ʿAmāla al-Tūnisiyya / La Province Tunisienne Livorno Abraham B. Taïeb/Ibrāhīm Ṭayyib Judeo-Arabic and French S العمالة التونسية / La Province Tunisienne ابراهيم طيبليفورنو
1878 early months few months, then restart from 9 August 1879 until 1887 Dimashq Damascus Aḥmad ʿIzzat Bey al-ʿĀbid Semi-official newspaper. Ottoman Turkish and Arabic S Ayn: 1878, DKW دمشق دمشق
1878 1889 Pīrah al-Yahūdiyya / The Jewish Gazette Calcutta Moses ben Mordechai, Meyuḥas ben Solomon and Eliyah ben Solomon Judeo-Arabic بيره اليهودية / The Jewish Gazette Moses ben Mordechai / Meyuḥas ben Solomon / Eliyah ben Solomonكلكتا
1878 still in April 1900 Zamān Nicosia, Cyprus Darwīsh Pasha and Shaykh Ḥabīb al-Khūrī Ottoman Turkish and Arabic Its import into the OE was banned in April 1900, source PRO FO 195/2075 Beirut 23, Drummond-Hay to O'Conor 18 Apr. 1900; زمان درويش باشا / شيخ حبيب الخورينيقوسيا
1878 ? Ḥadīqat al-Akhbār Bombay ? S ? حديقة الاخبار ?ممباي
1878 1878 spring? ?Le Bavard Egyptien Cairo Jams Sānuwā in eight languages ? Le Bavard Egyptien جمس سانواالقاهرة
1878 1 Jan. 1895 Al-Ṭabīb Beirut Dr. George Post/ Jūrj Būst, then Shāhīn Makāriyūs, later others S DKQ, AUB, BONN: online, 1884-1885 الطبيب د. جورج بوست / جورج بوست / شاهين مكاريوسبيروت
1878 1 April 1878; only four issues Al-Mishkāt Beirut Khalīl Sarkīs S AUB: all four monthly issues (April-July 1878) المشكات خليل سركيسبيروت
1878 April still 1880 Al-Waqt (li-Jarīdat al-Ahrām) Alexandria Salīm Taqlā and Bishāra Taqlā + DKQM:1879-1880 الوقت ( لجريدة الاهرام ) سليم تقلا / بشارة تقلاالاسكندرية
1878 15 May 1895? Al-Būsfūr / Le Bosphore égyptien Port Said, then Cairo from 1882 Paul Giraud then Émile Barriére Bey mostly in French, only occasionally in Arabic CEALEX: 1887 البوسفور / Le Bosphore égyptien Paul Giraud / Émile Barriére Beyبور سعيد / القاهرة
1878 15 May 1879 Al-Tijāra Alexandria Adīb Isḥāq, Salīm Khalīl al-Naqqāsh DKQ, BnF التجارة اديب اسحاق / سليم خليل النقاشالاسكندرية
1878 Aug. 13 March 1879; single issue 12 August 1879 Riḥlat Abī Naẓẓāra Zarqā Paris Jams Sānuwā see its continuation below (pseudonym for Abū Naẓẓāra Zarqā) = wrongly gives 1877 BnF; also online vol. 1, vol. 2, vol. 3, vol. 4; AKID, IMA: 1878-1910 , DKQM, reprint in Beirut, UWL: 1878-1910 (facsimile) رحلة ابي نظارة زرقا جمس سانواباريس
1879 two issues Al-Khilāfa Naples Ibrāhīm al-Muwayliḥī Ottoman Turkish and Arabic S, الخلافة ابراهيم المويلحينابولي
1879 1883? Al-Maymūn Cairo Mūsā Kāstilī/Castelli partly in colloquial Arabic S See Jewish Contributions, p. 20 الميمون موسى كاستليالقاهرة
1879 Istiqbāl Naples Ibrāhīm al-Muwayliḥī Ottoman Turkish and Arabic S استقبال ابراهيم المويلحينابولي
1879 one issue Juhaynat al-Akhbār Nicosia, Cyprus Shaykh ʿAbd Allāh al-Bustānī and Iskandar ʿAmmūn جهينة الاخبار شيخ عبد الله البستاني / اسكندر عموننيقوسيا
1879 Kanz al-Zirāʿa Cairo Al-Jamʿiyya al-Zirāʿiyya al-Miṣriyya Arabic and French No evidence for its appearance كنز الزراعة الجمعية الزراعية المصريةالقاهرة
1879 Ḥall al-Masʾalatayn al-Sharqiyya wa'l-Gharbiyya London Rizq Allāh Ḥassūn S حل المسألتين الشرقية والغربية رزق الله حسونلندن
1879 22 January 1912 Ṣanʿāʾ Sanaa official Arabic and Ottoman Turkish HTU: 1299-1330 with breaks, MK صنعاء رسميةصنعاء
1879 24 Feb. 1879? Mirʾāt al-Sharq Cairo Amīn Nāṣif and Salīm ʿAnḥūrī there is also one in 1882 and 1883 with Amīn Nāṣif (but not to be confused with a later Mirʾāt al-Sharq 1919-1939) S, ? Ayn, DKQ, AUB? الشرق امين ناصف / سليم عنحوريالقاهرة
1879 21 March December 1879; then again this title appears between 21 April and 4 August 1882 and November 1882 and 8 December 1883 Abū Naẓẓāra Zarqā (again under this title) Paris Jams Sānuwā Arabic, then Arabic-French , S online here , BnF, DKQM: 1879 December, IMA: 1878-1910 , reprint Beirut ابو نظارة زرقا جمس سانواباريس
1879 15 May 1 December 1883 Al-Kawkab al-Miṣrī Cairo Mūsā Kāstilī/Castelli publisher; first editor ? Shaykh Muḥammad Wafā + الكوكب المصري موسى كاستلي / شيخ محمد وفىالقاهرة
1879 23 July 14 November? Al-Salām Istanbul Jabrāʾīl Dallāl DKQ السلام جبرائيل دلالاسطنبول
1879 25 July Al-Iʿtidāl Aleppo ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Kawākibī Ayn:? الاعتدال عبد الرحمن الكواكبيحلب
1879 11 Sept. 1879 Miṣr al-Fatāt / La Jeune Egypte Alexandria Nicolas Gousso French and Arabic S مصر الفتاة / La Jeune Egypte Nicolas Goussoالاسكندرية
1879 16 Sept. 6 May 1880 Al-Naẓẓārāt al-Miṣriyya / Ennadarat el-Masriya Paris Shubbān Miṣr wa'l-Iskandariyya Jams Sānuwā BnF, online here , SBB: 1879-1880, reprint Beirut النظارات المصرية / Ennadarat el-Masriya شبان مصر والاسكندرية جمس سانواباريس
1879 Nov. one issue Bustān al-Akhbār Cairo Ṣāliḥ Riḍwān S بستان الاخبار صالح رضوانالقاهرة
1879 24 Dec. 1880? Miṣr al-Qāhira Paris Adīb Isḥāq BnF:1880, Ayn, AUB مصر القاهرة اديب اسحاقباريس
1880 still in 1881 Abu'l-Ḥawl Paris ? S ابو الحول باريس
1880 still in 1883 Al-Anbāʾ Paris, later Leghorn (Livorno) Ibrāhīm al-Muwayliḥī S الانباء ابراهيم المويلحيباريس / ليفورنو
1880 still 1886 Al-Insān Istanbul Ḥasan Ḥusnī al-Ṭuwayrānī الانسان حسن حسني الطويرانياسطنبول
1880 three issues Al-Ittiḥād / L'Union Paris Ibrāhīm al-Muwayliḥī Ottoman Turkish and Arabic , S SOAS الاتحاد / L'Union ابراهيم المويلحيباريس
1880 still 1881 Al-Mustaqbal Cagliari, Sardinia Yūsuf Bākhūs المستقبل يوسف باخوسكالياري
1880 Al-Nafʿ al-ʿAẓīm Punjab Dr. Layntz النفع العظيم Dr. LayntzPunjab
1880 Al-Rajāʾ Paris Ibrāhīm al-Muwayliḥī الرجاء ابراهيم المويلحيباريس
1880 Al-Sharq Paris Adīb Isḥāq BnF? الشرق اديب اسحاقباريس
1880 Mufradāt Mīzāniyyat al-Ḥukūma al-Miṣriyya Cairo ? S مفردات ميزانية الحكومة المصرية القاهرة
1880 1951, annual Mīzāniyyat al-Dawla al-Miṣriyya Cairo Niẓārat al-Khizāna S CU ميزانية الدولة المصرية نظارة الخزانةالقاهرة
1880 Naṣrat al-Akhbār Delhi Naṣrat ʿAlī Khān نصرة الاخبار نصرة علي خاندلهي
1880 1 Jan. 30 April 1904 Al-Miṣbāḥ Beirut Niqūlā al-Naqqāsh AUB: 1880-1882, (Microfilm: Mic-Na:115, 1880-1899), DKQ, CRL: online 1899-1900 المصباح نقولا النقاشبيروت
1880 8 Jan. 1881 Al-ʿAṣr al-Jadīd Alexandria Salīm Khalīl al-Naqqāsh +, Ayn, BnF, DKQ, AUB? العصر الجديد سليم خليل النقاشالاسكندرية
1880 28 March 1881 Al-Mustaqill Cagliari, Sardinia Yūsuf Bākhūs and Zayn Zayn ? المستقل يوسف باخوس / زين زينكالياري
1880 16 April 1881 Al-Ḥuqūq Paris Mikhāʾīl Jirjis al-ʿAwrā Ayn; BnF: 1880-1881 الحقوق مخائيل جرجس العورىباريس
1880 4 June 20 June 1880, 3 issues Abū Ṣaffāra / Le Flutiste Paris Prof J Sanua pseudonym for Abū Naẓẓāra Zarqā) , S BnF, DKQ, IMA: 1878-1910 , online at archive.org; reprint Beirut ابو صفارة / Le Flutiste ج سانواباريس
1880 17 July 27 August 1880, 3 issues Abū Zammāra / La Clarinette ) Paris Anon (= James Sanua) (pseudonym for Abū Naẓẓāra Zarqā , S BnF, DKQ, IMA: 1878-1910 , online at archive.org; reprint Beirut ابو زمارة / La Clarinette جمس سانواباريس
1880 31 Dec. Nashrat al-Sharika al-Zirāʿiyya al-Miṣriyya / Bulletin Société Egyptienne d'Agriculture Cairo Organ of al-Sharika al-Zirāʿiyya al-Miṣriyya Nashrat al-Jamʿiyya al-Zirāʿyya al-Miṣriyya نشرة الشركة الزراعية المصرية / Bulletin Société Egyptienne d'Agriculture الشركة الزراعية المصريةالقاهرة
1881 1882? Akhbār Ṭibbiyya? Beirut Dr. George Post ? اخبار طبية د. جورج بوستبيروت
1881 Al-Aḥkām al-ʿAdliyya ? unknown S check الاحكام العدلية
1881 Al-Bustān Algiers ? البستان الجزائر
1881 Al-Fallāḥ / Le Cultivateur Cairo Organ of Société Egyptienne d'Agriculture/Al-Jamʿiyya al-Zirāʿiyya al-Miṣriyya Arabic and French الفلاح / Le Cultivateur الجمعية الزراعية المصريةالقاهرة
1881 still 1881, three issues Al-Ittiḥād al-ʿArabī London Luwīs Ṣābūnjī الاتحاد العربي لويس صابونجيلندن
1881 Al-Mukhayyir Algiers unknown S المخير الجزائر
1881 Al-Munṣif Paris ?? Sanua??? perhaps much later, c. 1889 or 1899 S المنصف سانواباريس
1881 1882 Al-Najāḥ Cairo Muṣṭafā Thāqib and Ḥasan al-Shamsī + النجاح مصطفى ثاقب / حسن الشمسيالقاهرة
1881 1899 Al-Tawaddud Paris James Sanua S التودد جمس سانواباريس
c1881 Mufarriḥ al-Qulūb Calcutta, India? unknown مفرح القلوب كلكتا
1881 Muntakhabāt al-Rāʾid al-Tūnisī al-Rasmiyya Tunis unknown S منتخبات الرائد التونسي الرسمية تونس
1881 ? Shams al-Akhbār Madras ? S شمس الاخبار ?Madras
1881 1882? Tawfīq Egypt unknown no evidence of its publication S, ʿAbd ʿAṭṭār توفيق مصر
1881 2 Jan. 1966 Al-Ittiḥād al-Miṣrī / L'Union Egyptienne Alexandria Raphaël Michaca and Māhir Ḥusayn Faraj first French, then Arabic and French , S DKQM: 1890-92, not full الاتحاد المصري / L'Union Egyptienne رفائل مشاقة / ماهر حسين فرجالاسكندرية
1881 3 Jan. Al-Khilāfa London Luwīs Ṣābūnjī one single pamphlet no copy found so far الخلافة لويس صابونجيلندن
1881 5 Feb. 25 March 1881, 4 issues Al-Ḥāwī Le Charmeur Paris Jams Sānuwā pseudonym for Abū Naẓẓāra Zarqā , S BnF, IMA: 1878-1910 , reprint Beirut, online at archive.org الحاوي / Le Charmeur جمس سانواباريس
1881 10 Feb. nine issues Al-Ghayra London ʿAbd al-Rasūl al-Hindī Arabic and Persian , S الغيرة عبد الرسول الهنديلندن
1881 8 April 7 April 1882, 6 October 1882, 10 January 1885-27 December 1890, February 1904- December 1910 Abou-Naddara / Abū Naẓẓāra / L'Abou Naddara Paris Jams Sānuwā/Abou Naddara Arabic, Arabic-French (conceived as the continuation of Abū Naẓẓāra Zarqā because the fifth volume) , S BnF, IMA: 1878-1910 , reprint Beirut, online at archive.org ابو نظارة / Abou-Naddara / L'Abou Naddara جمس سانواباريس
1881 21 April 1882 Al-Baṣīr / Al-Bassir Paris Yūsuf Bākhūs, Khalīl Ghānim and Ismāʿīl bin Yūsuf BnF, INALCO, SOAS, SBB: 1882, DKQ البصير البسر / يوسف باخوس / خليل غانم / اسماعيل بن يوسفباريس
1881 2 May May 1882, 12 issues Al-Muntakhab Cairo Dr. Ḥasan Bey Maḥmūd المنتخب د. حسن بك محمودالقاهرة
1881 5 May summer 1882, reappeared February 1883- November 1883 Al-Burhān Alexandria, then Cairo Muʿawwad Muḥammad Farīd andḤamza Fatḥ Allāh BnF, SBB: 1883, DKQ, Harv: 1881 البرهان معود محمد فريد / حمزة فتح اللهالاسكندرية / القاهرة
1881 6 June 23 October 1881, 19 issues Al-Tankīt wa-l-Tabkīt Alexandria ʿAbd Allāh Nadīm , S Printed (Cairo: Al-Hayʾa al-Miṣriyya al-ʿĀmma li'l-Kitāb, 1994) and BL التنكيت والتبكيت عبد الله نديمالاسكندرية
1881 21 ? July 7 November 1881 Al-Ḥijāz Cairo Shaykh Ibrāhīm Sirāj al-Dīn al-Madanī Ayn: 17 July 1881 الحجاز شيخ ابراهيم سراج الدين المدنيالقاهرة
1881 Oct. 1882 Miṣr Alexandria, then Cairo Adīb Isḥāq and ʿAwnī Isḥāq مصر اديب اسحاق / عوني اسحاقالاسكندرية / القاهرة
1881 12 Oct. August 1882, reappeared 15 November 1882-23 December 1882 Al-Mufīd Cairo Muṣṭafā Thāqib +? Ayn, DKQ: 1881-1882 المفيد مصطفى ثاقبالقاهرة
1881 20 Nov. summer 1882 Al-Ṭāʾif Alexandria then from 5 January 1882 Cairo ʿAbd Allāh Nadīm +, In the 1920s, there were some numbers still in the DKQ (Sabry, La Genèse, 106, n 2), still in DKQ catalogue:407, 30 Jarāʾid Taymūr الطائف عبد الله نديمالاسكندرية / القاهرة
1882 1882 Al-Fusṭāṭ Cairo ʿAbd al-Ghanī al-Madanī + Ayn الفسطاط عبد الغني المدنيالقاهرة
1882? 1917 Al-Nashra al-Sanawiyya ʿan al-Tijāra al-Khārijiyya / Le Commerce Extérieur de l'Égypte Cairo Ministre de l'Intérieur; Direction Général de la Statistique With the title Le Commerce Extérieur de l'Égypte pendant les années 1974,1875,1876, 1877 et 1878 a book was published in 1879 (Le Caire: Imprimerie de l'état-major général égyptien, 1879) that is a summary and report of F. Amici Bey to the Minister and Khedive Tawfīq. It is only in French. SBB: Ur 650. النشرة السنوية عن التجارة الخارجية / Le Commerce Extérieur de l'Égypte وزارة الداخليةالقاهرة
1882 1882 Al-Safīr Cairo Ḥasan al-Shamsī + DKQ? السفير حسن الشمسيالقاهرة
1882 Dalīl al-Bashīr Beirut Al-Ab Dānyīl al-Yasūʿī Ghādir, 397: Dāmyānī al-Yasūʿī S دليل البشير الاب دانييل اليسوعيبيروت
1882 still 1885 Rawḍat al-Iskandariyya Alexandria Salīm (Pasha) Ḥamawī +?, DKQ? روضة الاسكندرية سليم ( باشا ) حمويالاسكندرية
1882 6 March September 1882, reappeared 12 February 1883-July 1886 Al-Zamān Cairo ʿAliksān Ṣarrafyān S, BL: 25 September 1882, DKQ الزمان علكسان صرفيانالقاهرة
1882 c. April 6 December 1884 Abou-Naddara Zarka Paris Jams Sānuwā conceived as the continuation of Abū Naẓẓāra Zarqāfrom vol. 6, no. 8 + BnF, IMA: 1878-1910 , online at archive.org, reprint Beirut Abou-Naddara Zarka جمس سانواباريس
1882 6 April summer 1882, reappeared 14 April 1883- 6 March 1886 (perhaps continuation of 1879) Mirʾāt al-Sharq Cairo Khalīl al-Yāzijī and Amīn Nāṣif under this name appeared in 1879 by Amīn Nāṣif الشرق خليل اليازجي / امين ناصفالقاهرة
1882 23 April 21 January 1883, 40 issues Al-Muntakhab / El-Montakheb Constantine Paul/Pierre Etienne Mauras Arabic and French BnF المنتخب / El-Montakheb Paul/Pierre Etienne Maurasقسنطينة
1882 22 May 6 June 1882 Al-Ḥaḍāra Cairo Mikhāʾīl Jirjis al-ʿAwrā S, الحضارة مخائيل جرجس العورىالقاهرة
1882 June May 1883 Kawkab al-Mashriq / L'Astre d'Orient Paris ʿAbd Allāh Marrāsh French and Arabic SOAS: 1882-1883 كوكب المشرق / L'Astre d'Orient عبد الله مراشباريس
1882 June May 1883, 36 issues Najm al-Mashriq / L'Astre d'Orient Paris George Poydenot Arabic and French S BnF نجم المشرق / L'Astre d'Orient George Poydenotباريس
1882 9 June 1882, 10 issues Al-Aḥwāl Alexandria Salīm Taqlā and Bishāra Taqlā , S DKQ? الاحوال سليم تقلا / بشارة تقلاالاسكندرية
1882 31 July 1883 Al-Iʿtidāl Alexandria, then Cairo Shaykh Ḥamza Fatḥ Allāh Ayn: 1883?, DKQ الاعتدال شيخ حمزة فتح اللهالاسكندرية / القاهرة
1882 25 Dec. 23 April 1883 Madrasat al-Funūn / Medrese-i Fünun Istanbul Ḥamdī Wahbī Ottoman Turkish and Arabic , S AEK, BDK, AKI, HTU, , MK مدرسة الفنون / Medrese-i Fünun حمدي وهبياسطنبول
1883 Al-Sharq Alexandria? Bishāra Taqlā الشرق بشارة تقلاالاسكندرية
1883 still 1895 Al-Taqaddum al-Miṣrī Cairo Shaykh Aḥmad al-Qūṣī +! التقدم المصري شيخ احمد القوصيالقاهرة
1883 Kawkab al-Sharq Paris ʿAbd Allāh Marrāsh كوكب الشرق عبد الله مراشباريس
1883 1886 Mirʾāt al-Sharq Cairo Amīn Nāṣif BOSJ, IE, Ayn الشرق امين ناصفالقاهرة
1883 1 Jan. 1889 Al-Hadiyya Beirut Maṭrāniyyat al-Rūm al-Ūrthūdhūks/ Jamʿiyyat al-Taʿlīm al-Masīḥī fī Bayrūt AUB: 1883, 1886, 1888-89, BnF: 1886-1889 الهدية مطرانية الروم الورثوذوكس جمعية التعليم المسيحي في بيروت /بيروت
1883 28 Jan. 1884, few issues Al-Mubaṣṣir / El-Mobasser Constantine Paul Joseph and Pierre Orissa French and Arabic BnF: 1883-1884 المبصر / El-Mobasser Paul Joseph / Pierre Orissaقسنطينة
1883 Feb. (reappeared) Al-Burhān Cairo Aḥmad Samīr S البرهان احمد سميرالقاهرة
1883 Al-Shām: Muḥāḍarāt wa-Muqtaṭafāt Istanbul Waṣṣāf Bey, ʿĀrifī Bey, and Fawwād Bey The fortnightly periodical was announced by Adīb Naẓmī in Thamarāt al-Funūn Thamarāt al-Funūn 415, 12 Feb. 1883:4 الشام : محاضرات ومقتطفات وصاف بك / عارفي بك / فواد بكاسطنبول
1883 9 Aug. Al-Anbāʾ Livorno (earlier in Paris) Ibrāhīm al-Muwayliḥī الانباء ابراهيم المويلحيليفورنو / باريس
1883 29 Aug. Al-Iʿtidāl Istanbul Aḥmad Qadrī Arabic and Ottoman Turkish DKQ? الاعتدال احمد قدرياسطنبول
1883 9 Dec. Lubān al-Albāb Kiftīn ( Lebanon) Madrasat Kiftīn لبان الالباب مدرسة كفتينكفتين (لبنان)
1883 29 Sept. 17 November 1883, two issues Al-Waṭanī al-Miṣrī / The Egyptian Patriot Paris Al-Shaykh Abū Naẓẓāra Zarqā / Abou Naddara Arabic and English S, BL?, reprint Beirut, BnF (cote: 4- O3A- 681), IMA: 1878-1910 , online at archive.org الوطني المصري / The Egyptian Patriot الشيخ ابو نظارة زرقاباريس
1884 for five years Al-Insān Istanbul Ḥasan (Bey) Ḥusnī al-Ṭuwayrānī = 11 April 1886 or 28 May 1884 HTU: 1884, DKQ الانسان حسن ( بك ) حسني الطويرانياسطنبول
1884 still 1885 Al-Shams Tunis, Paris unknown Judeo-Arabic الشمس تونس / باريس
1884 1888 Al-Zamān Cairo ʿAliksān Ṣarrafyān الزمان علكسان صرفيانالقاهرة
1884 1888 Al-Ṭabīb ? Shaykh Ibrāhīm al-Yāzijī AUB online الطبيب ابراهيم اليازجي
1884 1894 Lisān al-ʿArab Alexandria Najīb Amīn al-Ḥaddād and ʿAbduh Badrān لسان العرب نجيب امين الحداد / عبده بدرانالاسكندرية
1884 19 Jan. 1910? Abū Naẓẓāra / Abou Naddara Paris Jams Sānuwā Arabic and French continuation, vol. 8 IMA: 1878-1910 , reprint Beirut, also online ابو نظارة / Abou Naddara جمس سانواباريس
1884 13 March still 1893 Al-Bayān Cairo Yūsuf Shīt and Mīkhāʾīl ʿAwrā + SBB: 1884, DKQ البيان يوسف شيت / ميخائيل عورىالقاهرة
1884 13 March 16 October 1884, 18 issues Al-ʿUrwa al-Wuthqā Paris Jamāl al-Dīn al-Afghānī and Muḥammad ʿAbduh Printed 1958, BL, SOAS, Dur, INALCO, BnF: March-Oct 1884, DKQ, UWL: 1884 (facsimile) العروة الوثقى جمال الدين الافغاني / محمد عبدهباريس
1884 April 1941 (?1959?) Al-Maḥrūsa Alexandria Salīm Khalīl al-Naqqāsh (reappeared) DKQM: 1882-1886, AUC المحروسة سليم خليل النقاشالاسكندرية
1884 26 April Al-Naḥla London Luwīs Ṣābūnjī (reappearing) النحلة لويس صابونجيلندن
1884 Aug. Al-Tayms al-Miṣrī / The Times of Egypt Cairo A Beaman English, Arabic, French BL: 26 Dec 1884 التيمس المصري / The Times of Egypt A. Beamanالقاهرة
1884 Sept. 22 April 1886, 23 issues Al-Mubashshir Tunis, Livorno Ilyāzār/Eliézer/Ilīzār Farḥī Judeo-Arabic المبشر اليازار فرحيتونس / ليفورنو
1884 1 Nov. 1889 Silsilat al-Fukāhāt fī Aṭāyib al-Riwāyāt Beirut, then Cairo Nakhla Qalfāṭ S, AUB? DKQ? سلسلة الفكاهات في اطايب الروايات نخلة قلفاطبيروت / القاهرة
1884 13 Dec. Kawkab al-ʿIlm Istanbul Najīb Nādir كوكب العلم نجيب نادراسطنبول
1885 Akhbār Ṭibbiyya Beirut Dr. George Post ? Reappearing? اخبار طبية د. جورج بوستبيروت
1885 Al-Nashra al-Rasmiyya li-Maṣlaḥat al-Barīd / Al-Nashra al-Barīdiyya Cairo Idārat al-Barīd al-Miṣrī النشرة الرسمية لمصلحة البريد النشرة البريدية / Al-Nashra al-Barīdiyya ادارة البريد المصريالقاهرة
1885 1888 Al-Qāhira al-Ḥurra Cairo ʿĀrif al-Mārdīnī BL القاهرة الحرة عارف الماردينيالقاهرة
1885 Al-Salām Istanbul al-Ḥājj Ṣāliḥ al-Ṣāʾighī MEC السلام الحاج صالح الصائغياسطنبول
1885 1 Jan. 1888, 1892-1893 Dīwān al-Fukāha Beirut Salīm Shaḥāda and Salīm Būlus Ṭrād BnF? ديوان الفكاهة سليم شحادة / سليم بولس طرادبيروت
1885 10 Jan. 27 December 1890; February 1904- December 1910 Abou Naddara / Abū Naẓẓāra Zarqā (continuation) Paris Jams Sānuwā Arabic and French 1885-1888 digitalized, BnF, IMA: 1878-1910 , online at archive.org, reprint Beirut ابو نظارة زرقا / Abou Naddara جمس سانواباريس
1885 13 Jan. Kawkab al-ʿIlm Beirut Najīb Nādir كوكب العلم نجيب نادربيروت
1885 11 Feb. Al-Aʿlām Cairo Shaykh Muḥammad Bayram al-Khāmis al-Tūnisī BL: al-Iʿlam? 1886, DKQ, LoC: almost complete set الاعلام شيخ محمد بيرم الخامس التونسيالقاهرة
1885 22 Feb. 35 issues Al-Shams / El-Chams / Le Soleil Tunis, Paris Chalom/Chialom Guetta/Salīm Quwayta/Sālūm Qiṭṭa and Iliyāhū Sasson Arabic-English-Hebrew/ Judeo-Arabic , S BnF?, DKWT الشمس / El-Chams / Le Soleil سليم قويطة / الياهو ساسونتونس / باريس
1885 10 Oct. discontinued then published again Al-Fallāḥ Cairo, from 1886 Alexandria Salīm Bāshā Ḥamawī +!, الفلاح سليم باشا حمويالقاهرة / الاسكندرية
1885 10 Oct. still 1919 Al-Ḥuqūq Cairo Amīn Shumayyil and Ibrāhīm Al-Jammāl weekly +!, = 6 March 1886, Hartmann= 10 October 1885 (but it must be 1 Muḥarram 1303) DKQ, AUB?, BS: 1886-1902 الحقوق امين شميل / ابراهيم الجمالالقاهرة
1885 23 Oct. 30 October 1885, 2 issues Al-Mubashshir al-Ṣādiq / Le Messager intègre Tunis Sīmāḥ bin Niṭān Līfī/ Simah b. Nathan ha-Lévy Judeo-Arabic S المبشر الصادق / Le Messager intègre سيماح بن نطان ليفيتونس
1885 23 Nov. 1889 Al-Qāhira (al-Ḥurra) Cairo Salīm Fāris (al-Shidyāq) + DKQM: 1886-1889 (few numbers only), DKQ: 1890, BL: 1884?-1889 القاهرة ( الحرة ) سليم فارس ( الشدياق )القاهرة
1885 8 Dec. Al-Ḥaqāʾiq Istanbul Abu'l-Naṣr Yaḥyā al-Salāwī BDK, HTU, DKQ الحقائق ابو النصر يحيى السلاوياسطنبول
1886 one issue Al-Badr al-Kāmil Tunis Shalūm Fallāḥ Judeo-Arabic البدر الكامل شالوم فلاحتونس
1886 1887 Al-Qāhira Cairo Muḥammad Fahmī S القاهرة محمد فهميالقاهرة
1886 Al-ʿAdāla Cairo Aʿsad Zaghlūl العدالة اعسد زغلولالقاهرة
1886 Al-Ṭāʾif Cairo Shāhīn Makāriyūs الطائف شاهين مكاريوسالقاهرة
1886 L-Wahrani / L'Oranais Oran unknown Judeo-Arabic BnF L-Wahrani / L'Oranais وهران
1886 La Vigie Israëlite Oran unknown Judeo-Arabic/French La Vigie Israëlite وهران
1886 November? one issue Mirʾāt al-Akhlāq Damascus Salīm ʿAnḥūrī and Ḥannā ʿAnḥūrī , S الاخلاق سليم عنحوري / حنا عنحوريدمشق
1886 1 Jan. 1913? Al-Ṣafāʾ Beirut, then ʿAbayh 1888, Baʿbdā 1897, ʿAbayh 18 February 1899, then Kafr Matā 1908, ʿĀliya 1909 ʿAlī Bey Āl Nāṣir al-Dīn al-Lubnānī, Jūrjī Ḥannā Gharzūzī , S BL, AUB:1888, DKQ, Harv: 1-6 الصفاء علي بك آل ناصر الدين اللبناني / جورجي حنا غرزوزيبيروت / عبيه / بعبدا / عبيه / كفر متى / عاليه
1886 1 Feb. Al-Nuzha Asyut Jūrjī Khayyāṭ; Khalīl Ibrāhīm; Yūsuf Tādrus Makar: Printed in Cairo, but office is based in Asyut where the journal seems to have circulated +, UCh:1886 (1-2) النزهة جورجي خياط / Khalīl Ibrāhīm / أسيوط
1886 15 Feb. January 1888 Al-Shifāʾ Cairo Dr. Shiblī Shumayyil +, DKQ, AUB online, BnF?, BS: 1886-1888, AUC الشفاء د. شبلي شميلالقاهرة
1886 22 March 1918 Bayrūt Beirut Muḥammad Rashīd al-Danā BL, BnF?, AUB:1886-88 (no 1-195) بيروت محمد رشيد الدنىبيروت
1886 22 April 30 January 1887, 26 issues Munawwir al-Ḥaqq Tunis Shalūm Fallāḥ/Scialom Flah Judeo-Arabic S منور الحق شالوم فلاحتونس
1886 15 May 1896? Al-Laṭāʾif Cairo Shāhīn Makāriyūs +, DKQM:1886-1892, AUB: 1886-1888,1890, Harv: 1886 اللطائف شاهين مكاريوسالقاهرة
1886 Sept. 20 June 1887, 30 issues Mushriḥ al-Aṣdār / Machrecho Lasdar Tunis Yaʿqūb Shamla, Isaac Temām, Yākūb Ḥāyik Judeo-Arabic S مشرح الاصدار / Machrecho Lasdar يعقوب شملة / Isaac Temām / ياكوب حايكتونس
1886 2/13 Sept. 1888 Al-Ṣādiq Cairo Amīn Nāṣif +, DKQ?, AUB? الصادق امين ناصفالقاهرة
1887 five issues Al-Babghāʾ Alexandria Najīb Gharghūr , S الببغاء نجيب غرغورالاسكندرية
1887 Al-Nīl Cairo Bishāra Taqlā النيل بشارة تقلاالقاهرة
1887 discontinued then published again from 1889 until 1898 Al-Ādāb Cairo al-Shaykh ʿAlī Yūsuf , S DKQ الآداب الشيخ علي يوسفالقاهرة
1887 23 March Sūq al-ʿUkāz / Sūq-i ʿUkāz Istanbul Hayret Mehmed Behaddin Arabic and Ottoman Turkish HTU, SK سوق العكاز / سوق عكاز Hayret Mehmed Behaddinاسطنبول
1887 May/June one issue Al-Jinān / Habārdīs / Happardis Tunis Sīmāḥ bin Niṭān Līfī/Simah Lévy Judeo-Arabic S الجنان / Habārdīs / Happardis سيماح بن نطان ليفيتونس
1887 10 June one issue Fāḍiḥ al-Asrār Tunis Société FKN/Shālūm Fallāḥ Judeo-Arabic S فاضح الاسرار Société FKN / شالوم فلاحتونس
1887 1 Aug. still 1888, 1893? Al-Ṣiḥḥa Cairo Dr. Ḥasan Pasha Rifqī and Ibrāhīm Bey Muṣṭafā +!, DKQ الصحة د. حسن باشا رفقي / ابراهيم بك مصطفىالقاهرة
1887 29/30 Oct. 1890? Makārim al-Akhlāq Cairo (perhaps moved to Alexandria later) Aḥmad al-Sharīf +, , also gives it as 1 January 1888, Alexandria مكارم الاخلاق احمد الشريفالقاهرة / الاسكندرية
1887 1 Nov. Al-Aḥkām Cairo Niqūlā Tūmā DKQ الاحكام نقولا توماالقاهرة
1887 24 Nov. Al-Mukhbir al-Miṣrī Cairo Dīmitrī Maskūnās المخبر المصري ديمتري مسكوناسالقاهرة
1887 8 Dec. 14 March 1888, 12 issues Al-Mutarjim / L'Interprète Tunis Shalūm Fallāḥ/Scialom Flah Judeo-Arabic S المترجم / L'Interprète شالوم فلاحتونس
1888 1889 Al-Aḥkām al-Miṣriyya Cairo Niqūlā Tūmā الاحكام المصرية نقولا توماالقاهرة
1888 Al-Jarīda al-Miṣriyya Cairo Jirjis Mikhāʾil Naḥḥās/Victor Philip , S الجريدة المصرية جرجس مخائيل نحاس / Victor Philipالقاهرة
1888 Al-Maktaba al-Kāthūlīkiyya Beirut Khalīl al-Badawī المكتبة الكاثوليكية خليل البدويبيروت
1888 Al-Manāra Alexandria Najīb Gharghūr and Salīm Bishāra al-Khūrī , S DKQ, AUB المنارة نجيب غرغور / سليم بشارة الخوريالاسكندرية
1888 one issue Al-Marisṭān Tunis Rafāʾīl Smādja/Ḥayy Strūk Judeo-Arabic S المرسطان رفائيل سمادجةتونس
1888 one issue Al-Najma / L'Étoile Tunis Sīmāḥ bin Niṭān Līfī/Simah Lévy Judeo-Arabic النجمة / L'Étoile سيماح بن نطان ليفيتونس
1888 Al-Qaṣbāʾ Tunis Jākīnū Dūzāyiq Arabic and French القصباء جاكينو دوزايقتونس
1888 Al-Qāhira Cairo Yūsuf Ḥammām Āṣāf S القاهرة يوسف حمام اصافالقاهرة
1888 Al-Riwāyāt al-ʿAṣriyya Beirut Nakhla Qalfāṭ S الروايات العصرية نخلة قلفاطبيروت
1888 Ḥadīqat al-Adab Alexandria Najīb Gharghūr حديقة الادب نجيب غرغورالاسكندرية
1888 1 Jan. 1890 Al-Kanīsa al-Kāthūlīkiyya / L'Eglise Catholique Beirut Jesuit fathers, Khalīl al-Badawī BL? الكنيسة الكاثوليكية / L'Eglise Catholique Jesuits / خليل البدويبيروت
1888 1 Jan. Dalīl Bayrūt (li-ʿĀmm) Beirut Amīn al-Khūrī S, BnF?, AUB:1889 دليل بيروت ( لعام ) امين الخوريبيروت
1888 1 March 1890 Al-Rāwī Alexandria Khalīl Zaynīh , S DKQ?, BnF?, BONN: online, 1889-1890 الراوي خليل زينيهالاسكندرية
1888 6 January 12 May 1888 Natāʾij al-Akhbār Tunis al-Sayyid Ḥusayn al-Muqaddam BL: 1889 نتائج الاخبار السيد حسين المقدمتونس
1888 6 June 1894, two issues 1897, reappeared 3 February 1904 -1906? Al-Bustān / El Boustan / Le Jardin Tunis Masʿūd Maʿārik and J Chemla Judeo-Arabic S البستان / El Boustan / Le Jardin مسعود معارك / J Chemlaتونس
1888 July one issue Jurnāl Hajīn / Le Journal de la fête du grand dieul Tunis Sīmāḥ bin Niṭān Līfī/Simah Lévy Judeo-Arabic S جرنال هجين / Le Journal de la fête du grand dieul سيماح بن نطان ليفيتونس
1888 1 Aug. short-lived Al-Shuhra / / La renommé Cairo/Angers (France) Manṣūr Jāmātī and André Būrdīnī , S DKQ?, AUB?, SBB? الشهرة / La renommé منصور جاماتي / اندريه بوردينيالقاهرة
1888 2 Aug. 1911 Al-Ḥāḍira Tunis Al-Sayyid ʿAlī Bushūsha DKW, MTQ, Aʿḥ, DKQ الحاضرة السيد علي بشوشةتونس
1888 7 Sept. Al-Riyāḍ al-Miṣriyya / Al-Riyāḍ al-Sūriyya Cairo ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Ḥūt and Muḥammad Ḥasan Sulṭānī al-Makhzūmī +, Harv: n. 1, DKQ?, BnF?, AUB? الرياض المصرية / الرياض السورية عبد الرحمن الحوت / محمد حسن سلطاني المخزوميالقاهرة
1888 8/9 Sept. ten issues Al-Ḥurriyya / La Liberté Tunis Alīzār Farḥī/A society Judeo-Arabic S DKWT الحرية / La Liberté اليزار فرحيتونس
1888 15 Oct. still 1889 Al-Nūr al-Tawfīqī Cairo Dīmitrī Maskūnās +, BL النور التوفيقي ديمتري مسكوناسالقاهرة
1888 28 Nov. Al-Ḥaqāʾiq Istanbul Ibrāhīm Adham الحقائق ابراهيم ادهماسطنبول
1888 22 Dec. still in 1908 Bayrūt (al-Rasmiyya) Beirut official journal (Municipal) in Ottoman Turkish and Arabic. Not to be confused with the private newspaper Bayrūt established in 1886 still mentioned by al-Bashīr in 1902 and 1908 بيروت ( الرسمية ) بيروت
1889 Al-Firdaws Cairo unknown not identical with the ladies' journal under the same title? الفردوس القاهرة
1889 Al-Muqaṭṭam al-Usbūʿī Cairo Fāris Nimr, Yaʿqūb Ṣarrūf, Shāhīn Makāriyūs?? UPenn (call No: AP95.A6 M78): Feb 1889- Jan 1890 المقطم الاسبوعي فارس نمر / يعقوب صروف / شاهين مكاريوسالقاهرة
1889 Al-Qāhira Cairo Muḥammad al-Ḥusaynī S HTU القاهرة محمد الحسينيالقاهرة
1889 Al-Ḥaqāʾiq Ḥaydarābād Al-Sayyid ʿAlī al-Balakarāmī al-Hindī, Abū Turāb Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Jabbār Khān based on DKQ catalogue DKQ? الحقائق السيد علي البلكرامي الهندي / ابو تراب محمد عبد الجبار خانحيدراباد
1889 still 1890 Al-Ḥaqāʾiq / The Arabic Quarterly Review Woking ? Arabic and English BL? الحقائق / The Arabic Quarterly Review Woking
1889 Al-Ṣafā Beirut Al-Shaykh Muḥammad Faḍl al-Qaṭṭār S الصفى الشيخ محمد فضل القطاربيروت
1889 Dalīl al-Barīd al-Miṣrī Cairo Maṣlaḥat al-Barīd yearly, DKQ? دليل البريد المصري مصلحة البريدالقاهرة
1889 1932, yearly Dalīl al-Mufīd fī Ashghāl al-Barīd Cairo Maṣlaḥat al-Barīd al-Miṣriyya دليل المفيد في اشغال البريد مصلحة البريد المصريةالقاهرة
c1889 two years Dīk al-Sharq Nicosia, Cyprus Aliksān Sarrāfyān ديك الشرق الكسان سرافياننيقوسيا
1889 Le Réveil Tunis unknown Judeo-Arabic Le Réveil تونس
1889 1901 Maggīd Meshahrim Calcutta Rabbi Shlomo Tuwayna Judeo-Arabic S Maggīd Meshahrim رب توينةكلكتا
1889 Miṣr li-l-Miṣriyyīn Paris Jams Sānuwā مصر للمصريين جمس سانواباريس
1889 Mālṭa Taghna Valletta (Malta) ? مالطة تغنة فاليتا
1889 Jan. Al-Nashra al-Usbūʿiyya ʿan al-Mawālīd wa'l-Wafayāt wa'l-Amrāḍ al-Maʿdiyya Cairo Maṣlaḥat ʿUmūm al-Iḥṣāʾ ?1888? النشرة الاسبوعية عن المواليد والوفيات والامراض المعدية مصلحة عموم الاحصاءالقاهرة
1889 14 Feb. 1952 Al-Muqaṭṭam Cairo Fāris Nimr, Yaʿqūb Ṣarrūf, Shāhīn Makāriyūs +, MEC microfilm: 1889-1945, BL: 1917-1919, AUC (microform) المقطم فارس نمر / يعقوب صروف / شاهين مكاريوسالقاهرة
1889 1 March reappeared 1 April 1921 Al-Fawāʾid Beirut Al-Rūm al-Kāthūlīk/ Khalīl al-Badawī BnF? الفوائد الروم الكاثوليك / خليل البدويبيروت
1889 2 March 1892 Al-Ḥaqīqa Alexandria Faraj Mizrāḥī and Ibrāhīm Mizrāḥī; Jūrj Mirzā +! = 1888 DKQ, AUB الحقيقة فرج مزراحي / ابراهيم مزراحي / جورج مرزىالاسكندرية
1889 May? Al-Maghrib Tangier ʿĪsā Faraḥ and Salīm Kisbānī / Budget Maekin = August BL: 22 June 1889 المغرب عيسى فرح / سليم كسبانيطنجة
1889 May Tôv-le-Yisra'el Oran unknown Judeo-Arabic S Tôv-le-Yisra'el وهران
1889 June June 1890 Al-Tilighrāf Tunis Masʿūd Maʿārik Judeo-Arabic S DKWT التلغراف مسعود معاركتونس
1889 1 Aug. Al-Azhar Cairo Ḥasan Pasha Rifqī and Ibrāhīm Muṣṭafā , replaced al-Ṣiḥḥa al-Ṭibbiyya DKQ الازهر حسن باشا رفقي / ابراهيم مصطفىالقاهرة
1889 28 Aug. Al-Ādāb(continued?) Cairo Al-Shaykh ʿAlī Yūsuf الآداب الشيخ علي يوسفالقاهرة
1889 24 Oct. one issue Ḥanaṣnīm Tunis Sīmāḥ bin Niṭān Līfī/ Simah b. Nathan ha-Lévy Judeo-Arabic حنصنيم سيماح بن نطان ليفيتونس
1889 Nov. Qôl Yisráel / La Voix d'Israël Oran unknown Judeo-Arabic/French S Qôl Yisráel / La Voix d'Israël وهران
1889 2 Nov. Fawākih al-Arwāḥ Cairo Yūsuf Ḥabīb and Niqūlā Zakkā فواكه الارواح يوسف حبيب / نقولا زكىالقاهرة
1889 1 Dec. 31 Dec. 1914 Al-Muʾayyad Cairo Shaykh ʿAlī Yūsuf and Aḥmad Mādī daily +, , S BL: 1900, , SBB: 1896-1898 (online), Stan: 1894, 1909 CRL: 1889-1905 online المؤايد شيخ علي يوسف / احمد ماديالقاهرة
1890 1892? Al-Mubashshir al-Tūnisī Tunis Ḥusayn al-Muqaddam المبشر التونسي حسين المقدمتونس
1890 Al-Sharaf Cairo unknown الشرف القاهرة
1890 Al-Ḥākim Cairo unknown الحاكم القاهرة
1890 Kulliyyāt Malkam London